Everyone does it. Do you?!


Romanian car in beijing :)


Beijing Guoan! 北京国安!

September 28, 18:20. My friend arrives. We look for a taxi for more then half an hour. Finally, around 19:25 we arrive at the stadium.
Not so many people in line for tickets, i think everyone is inside already.
Security check. Something similar with the airport security. Lots of ladies in the police squad, kind, English speakers, some of them pretty, all looking serious but giving you a smile in the end: "Thank you for your cooperation". And they let me get in with my lighter. :D
We got inside near sector 18, but our tickets are in sector 13. Along the way we go through a "tunnel" made of policemen on one side and army troops on the other side. We were near sector 16 and i start hearing the drums. And people singing.
Goose bumps. Keep walking. And the story will continue.


Happy bithday, kiddo!


To burp

A Verb

S: (v) burp, bubble, belch, eruct (expel gas from the stomach) e.g. "In China it is polite to burp at the table"

The example should be more accurate: "In China it's allowed to burp, fart, spit EVERYWHERE". Or even better: In Beijing it's allowed to burp, fart, spit EVERYWHERE"

Beijingers are great at spitting. They train themselves in restaurants, taking the bones in their mouth when they eat and then spit them on the floor. The beginners just spit on the table, until they get the technique.

I feel like throwing up on my office desk. But this is not polite, even in Beijing.


Leprosii lui Brunea Fox

Leprosul nu trebuie să iasă fără glugă neagră;
Nu se va duce la moară sau la brutărie;
Nu-şi va spăla nici mîinile, nici straiele la fîntînă;
Nu se va înfăţişa nici la serbări, nici la biserică;
Nu va cuvînta în bătaia vîntului;
Nu va rătăci seara pe drumul bătut;
Din poruncă regală. Amin!


Early baked

This morning i was about to brush my teeth with aftershave. You can easily understand why:


Chinese food

I haven't enjoy chinese food as much as today for a very long time. I have months since my main food was junkie food for junkie people: KFC (sucks!), MacDonalds (similar with Bucharest), Subway (definetely my favourite).
Today i went to eat chinese food. It was the best idea i could've had. Beef with carrots and potatoes in a kind of sauce/soup, salted and a little spiced with black pepper. Fried green beans with red hot chili peppers, steamed rice, green salad...
There are no words to describe this! And then, enjoy my cigarette along with a fresh fruit ice tea. A huge cup with lemon tea, ice, full of slices of apple, orange, banana, kiwi, peach, grapes.... Hao Chi! (Delicious!)